Mommy Messages

Mommy Messages from DW on Vimeo.

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Wednesday, December 17, 2008

All Snowed In

I'm Dreaming of a White Christmas...
Snowing in southern California, Yeah!
Picture of snowy chickens and hens
The kids swingset is frozen, cold
Danny's car looks cool!
Well, it's been snowing all day, and we have 
about 3 inches of snow. Pretty cool, but hard for kids to stay 
in the house. We would go play in the snow, but it is so 
windy and cold. When it stops snowing we are excited to play 
in it. Who else got snow... Erin I know that you do.


Joi Montrief said...

WoW...I thought you guys would get snow! We just got rained in for 3 days, morning, noon and night. That was fun. hehe

I heard it even snowed in Vegas! Crazy huh?

Miss you!!!

Erin said...

I definately got snow! That is cool that the kids get to play in it outside your house.

Cazier Craziness said...

We even had it in St. George!! Crazy Crazy!

Andrew and Trena said...

thats cool that you guys got snow. we spent christmas in riverside with my family and on the drive down from idaho there was snow everywhere until you hit san bernardino. We get plenty of snow in Idaho, so it was a nice change to have good weather in riverside. I bet your kids loved it! What kind of car does danny have? looks like a classic car. nice!